Contact Us


Simone Clark

PO Box 465, Rosebud VIC 3939

Phone (03) 5985 7776 (Rye clinic)



Administration Manager

Jane Hughes

PO Box 465, Rosebud VIC 3939

Phone (03) 5985 7776 (Rye clinic)


This email is for administration purposes only. Please do not send medical requests or appointment queries. Please call one of our clinics directly.

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Skin Check Clinic & MoleMap at South Coast Medical

Skin Check Clinic at Capel Sound & Rye

Australians have the highest incidence of melanoma in the world for both males and females. Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. In Victoria, more than 40,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually.

In 2013, 460 Victorians died from skin cancers—more than the state road toll. Yet skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. And if found early can usually be successfully treated.

It is important to know your skin and what is normal for you so changes will be quickly noticed. Check all your skin and if you notice anything unusual, including any change in shape, color or size of a spot, or the development of a new spot, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Reference: 2016 Cancer Council Victoria

Skin Cancer Checks are conducted at the Rosebud clinic 1537 Point Nepean Road Capel Sound  and are provided by Dr Nish Balakrishnan and Dr Duncan Ledger

Skin Cancer Checks are also conducted by Dr Hazel Addison at the Rye clinic 2 Ozone Street Rye.  Skin Checks with Dr Addison can be booked online or via the Rye clinic.

Call today to book your skin check.


The total body skin check takes 15-30 minutes and involves a registered general practitioner completing a systematic total body skin check from head to toe.

The doctor will discuss the results of the skin check directly with you and will then organize any further follow up if required.

Initial skin screening consultation is a 15-30 minute appointment (item 23 standard or 36 long consultation) at the cost of $90 to $155.00-$180 and is rebatable from Medicare.

It is preferred that ladies do not wear any makeup or nail polish for this appointment

Please do not hesitate to ask staff should you have any questions.


Full Body Skin Checks

Head to toe physical examination.


This is a hand held magnification device used to assess individual lesions.


A sample is taken of any suspicious lesions and sent to pathology.


Treatment for some lesions suitable for ‘freezing’.

Minor Surgery

Identified skin cancers or lesions can be surgically removed at the clinic. Including flaps and grafts.

Specialist Referral

If the doctor feels specialist referral is required you will be referred to a local plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

Contact us to book your skin check


MoleMap Available at Rye 


MoleMap Skin Check

molemap skin check mornington peninsula

We spot the spots that you might not.

Melanoma is fast-growing and the most life-threatening of all skin cancers

It’s also hard to detect with an untrained eye. Our proven skin-map­ping sys­tem, devel­oped exclu­sive­ly by MoleMap is designed to look deep inside a mole’s struc­ture to detect any poten­tial skin can­cers that can’t be seen with visu­al checks.

Ear­ly detec­tion is your skin’s best chance against melanoma, so don’t delay – book today.

MoleMap Skin Cancer Clinics.

We spot change, early.

MoleMap’s proven skin-map­ping sys­tem is designed to detect skin can­cers such as melanoma ear­ly. Because the ear­li­er it’s found, the bet­ter the chances of beat­ing it.


What's the MoleMap difference?

Skin-map­ping + Melanog­ra­phers + Der­ma­tol­o­gists = accu­ra­cy you can trust.

Only MoleMap’s proven spe­cial­ist melanoma clin­ics offer head-to-toe skin map­ping by trained Melanog­ra­phers PLUS expert diag­no­sis of any moles of con­cern by expert Dermatologists.

It means we don’t just check your sus­pi­cious moles — we dou­ble-check them.

MoleMap appointment types

Book Your MoleMap Appointment HERE